Crispin Glover Admits He Did ‘Friday the 13th’ For The Paycheck

One of the most classic horror scenes in the Friday the 13th franchise is when Crispin Glover yells out “Hey Ted, where’s that fancy cock screw?” He finds it and its driven into his hand by Jason Vorhees who tops it off with a meatclever to his forehead.

Now, you might be saying that’s bloody digusting, but Crispin Glover is just one of the classic killings in 1984’s Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. Now, looking back Crispin Glover admits that he was a struggling young actor who need a job, so he did it for the paycheck. Read on… has learned that Crispin Glover didn’t exactly look at a role in 1984’s Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter as a golden opportunity to enter the sacred terrain of a beloved horror franchise.

Crispin told Yahoo Entertainment while promoting his latest film, Lucky Day:

Just before I got Friday the 13th, I had moved out of my parents’ house, I only had a certain amount of money and I was getting low on funds. And then I got Friday the 13th: Part 4. I needed a job.

He added:

I needed to work. I needed to continue working.

Despite his motives, Glover earned a special place in the hearts of horror fans for his performance as the ill-fated, goofy-dancing, future GIF Jimmy, which came one year before his breakout role as George McFly in the 1985 classic Back to the Future.

Glover has no problem looking back and being transparent about why he took the role of Jimmy in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, especially since he has no great love for the slasher genre as a whole.

Crispen openly states:

I’ve only seen two of those films, I saw the original film [1980’s Friday the 13th, the first film to introduce iconic masked killer Jason Voorhees] and the one that I’m in. I remember when I saw the original one, not too long before it I’d seen the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974], and when I saw the first Friday the 13th, I thought, ‘Well, this is extremely derivative.

He continued:

I liked the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre very much. There’s a whole industry that’s basically what they call the slasher industry. I find it derivative of that particular original Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

No matter what his motivation was back then, Crispen Glover is still one of the best horror moments in history.

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NoMav is a Pop culture enthusiast who is 100% California grown. He Love Entertainment, love being in the mix and love getting the tea to spill. Always likes the facts about what's really going on in Movies, Sports, and anything entertainment related.