Marvel’s Moon Knight: What You Need To Know

Marvel’s Moon Knight: What You Need To Know!

So what can you expect from the upcoming Marvel movie Moon Knight which is heading to Disney + streaming… reports that Oscar Isaac, and Ethan Hawke are the main two stars that drives Moon Knight – a one of the late-in-the-game characters introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe that has fans excited.

While many Marvel fans looked at the coming of the Eternals with a confused shrug, Moon Knight gets a celebrated, “Finally!”

It’s genuinely surprising that this guy never showed up to be part of the Netflix Defenders crew because he feels right at home with all the gritty street level heroes.

Moon Knight is regularly compared to Batman, albeit with a mysterious mix of the psychological and supernatural making up his identity. And sure, Batman sometimes dips his toes into that kind of thing, but in the end, we know what we’re getting with Batman: a billionaire playboy who dresses as a masked vigilante and occasionally goes undercover as a low-level criminal. You can argue about which identity is the true disguise, but otherwise Batman is pretty straightforward.

Who is Moon Knight?

You don’t quite know what you’re getting with Moon Knight. Is he truly the herald of an Egyptian god, or is he just imagining it all? Are his aliases part of his mission to punish evil and extract vengeance, or is he trying to make sense of his mental disorder? How does Marc Spector coexist with himself?

Many different writers have tackled Moon Knight over the years and there have been various takes on what his deal is. Certain writers have outright confirmed Khonshu as being real because comic book fiction always has to make the fantastic possible.

It’s like the cliché of somebody saying, “There’s no such thing as ghosts!” before a ghost appears.

The nature of Marc’s identities also differs as one may say he gets too into character while another may say him cosplaying as Batman is his way of making sense of his Dissociative Identity Disorder.

The trailers for the Disney+ Moon Knight TV series have leaned heavily on one of these identities, in case you’ve been wondering why Oscar Isaac is speaking in that absurd chimney-sweep accent.

Take a look and let us know what you think.